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May1, 2023


Devotional Thought

Willing to be Mentored

Passage: Luke 9:10-17

Focal: Luke 9:13 “He replied, ‘You give them something to eat.’ They answered, ‘We have only five loaves of bread and two fish – unless we go and buy food for all this crowd.’”

It was a family tradition to go to Royal Ambassador Camp each year when I was growing up.  I was a camper, my brother a Group Counselor, and my mom and dad helped in the craft shops for the week.  I anticipated it each year.

To be a Counselor you had to be 16.  The summer I was 15 we went to camp as usual.  I was called into “Chief” Lawson’s office and this gruff retired Navy vet looked me up and down and said, “We are short Counselors this week. Do you think you can do the work?”  With a trembling voice and lack of confidence I said, “Yes, sir.”

For the next four summers I was a Counselor at three to four camps each summer under the leadership of Chief Lawson. He became a mentor of mine…like a second dad. I learned so much from him.  Why? Because he invested in my life by example, by teaching and by trusting me to accomplish the tasks given to me.

Jesus is mentoring the disciples He has called to follow Him and, even more, to “turn the world upside down.” Jesus had been teaching the crowds of people who had followed Him because they were enamored with His teaching and healing. They knew this was a special movement of God even though they didn’t understand the full revelation.

The disciples had returned from their evangelistic mission. They saw the crowds and watched as Jesus “spoke to them about the kingdom of God and healed those who needed healing.”

Even seeing these miraculous signs and hearing the eternal truths they had limited or a narrowed perspective of ministry. Their minds went to practical and administrative defaults.  The 12 pulled Jesus aside and said, paraphrasing, “Jesus, You need to stop teaching. You need to send these people away to get food and find a place to stay because there is nothing around here.”

In was in these episodes of His mentoring that Jesus took time for the “teachable moments.”  He said to them, “You give them something to each.” The solution was not to send them away but take on the responsibility of meeting their needs.

They only had five loaves and two fish from a child unless they went into town and bought enough food for 5000 men plus women and children. That was likely more than they had in their treasury.

Isn’t that what we do at times?  God speaks to our heart urging us to go about a task/mission and our first reaction is, “Oh, I can’t do that, or “I don’t have the time or gifts, but who can I recommend doing this task?” 

When God presents us with an opportunity and a task to accomplish our response should be, even with a trembling voice and a lack of confidence, “Yes, sir.”  Then trust Him to supply all that we will need to accomplish that to which He has called us.

There are several lessons in this passage that are applicable. First, notice that Jesus “welcomed” the crowd. People in need should never be a negative for us. We must value them. We should welcome them and strive to share both the light of the kingdom and compassionate care.

Second, Jesus wants to work in and through us to meet the needs of people. He dismisses their idea of passing the buck and sending the people elsewhere.

Third, He teaches His disciples leadership qualities to meet needs. He wanted them to find what resources were available to them and give those resources to Him to multiply so the needs could be met. In this case, they were sent to find what food was available (five barley loaves and two fishes).

He then taught them how to best organize for success. He said, “Have them sit down in groups of about fifty each.” The disciples followed His teaching and created these small groups for easy distribution.

He then taught them to pray showing complete reliance, faith, and thankfulness to God. Thankfulness and trust are two vital actions believers must maintain before the Almighty to be successful and show humility.

He taught and delegated to the disciples the action plan(s) that would meet the needs of the people. The people came for spiritual food and healing. High priorities. During this journey of growth, the physical hunger manifested itself. Jesus helps us to remember that those needs are great as well. So, in our plans we must be flexible when unplanned needs arise.

He taught them that “with God nothing is impossible.”  Luke writes in verse 17, “They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.”

May we take these lessons to heart and never pass off the task/mission God has given us the opportunity to fulfill but allow Him to work in and through us even in our weakness.

Father, As the prophet Isaiah so long ago said, “Here am I, send me.” These are my words from the heart. Thank you for mentoring me and giving me insight and strength to know Your words and act accordingly. Amen.

November 3, 2022


Devotional Thought

Saving Grace

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God…” Ephesians 2:8.

Seven-year-old Jason had been thinking about accepting Jesus as Savior, but he had some questions.  During Vacation Bible School, he had a chance to talk with his pastor, my father. “Brother Kennedy, how can I know there is a God?” he asked. My father showed Jason his watch. “It has numerous parts inside that all work together to make this watch run. I can depend on it to keep me on time for appointments. Do you think this watch made itself?” Jason shook his head.

“The same thing is true about God’s creation. We look at the trees, rivers, sun, and all the universe, and we know that someone greater than people had to have made it. Faith is believing what God revealed to us in what He made and communicated it in His Word, even though we can’t see Him.”  Jason nodded, then asked, “What happens if a person accepts Jesus and then does bad things?”

My father explained that when he was a boy, he sometimes disobeyed his parents, but he was still part of the family. It is the same when we are in God’s family. We may disappoint God, but He still loves us, and we never stop being His child. BTW. Jason accepted Jesus in the VBS service the next day.

Father, help us to look to You and continue to have that child-like faith as we strive to be obedient to You. Help us to also know we are always Your child even when we are not obedient. Thank you for loving us. Amen.

Pastor Kirby

Sunday Sermon

Title: Does God Exist?

Text: Gen. 1:1; Ps. 19:1-4; Rom. 1:18-20

Central Focus: How do we know that God exists?  In many corners of our country and this world the very existence of God is often called into question.  How can a believer respond to this unbelief?  This is the last in our Biblical Worldview series. See you on Sunday.

As part of Sunday’s service, we will observe the Lord’s Supper.  Take time to prepare your hearts and minds for this special time, as we remember what the Lord has done for us.

Honoring Our Veterans

Friday, November 11 is Veterans Day, the day when our nation gives tribute to those whose selfless service helped gain our freedoms we enjoy each day.  This Sunday, November 6, we want to honor all of our Veterans here at FBCSCW.  We will be doing things differently this year. We will not be marching in as we usually do.  We ask that all Veterans sit with their family and friends, and at the appropriate time, you will be asked to stand.

Thanksgiving/Missions Awareness Banquet

Our Annual Thanksgiving/ Missions Awareness Banquet is Wednesday, November 16 at 5:00pm. Come enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving meal catered by Wild Bunch Catering. Tickets are $15 per person and can be purchased on Sunday or in the church office during the week.

Alex Dennis, Lead Pastor at Asante’ Church, will be our speaker for the evening.  Alex and his wife, Rachel, followed God's call to move to NW Surprise, AZ in 2019 to plant Asante Church. God's provision on Asante Church has been great over the past four years. He has sustained them and built His church on the foundation of meeting needs through the pandemic until now. Asante Church officially launched worship services in January of 2021. Since then God has not stopped seeking and saving the lost in their little corner of the West Valley. Many have professed their faith in Jesus and have been baptized. As their part of the city continues to grow, we know God has even more in store.

Denver from the Mile High Orchestra will provide our entertainment (Denver played the piano at the One Lev concert we had here in August). 

This is a great opportunity to invite your friends and neighbors. 

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child Boxes will be available for pick up again this Sunday.  All filled boxes need to be returned by Sunday, November 13. The boxes will be delivered to children in need around the world to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way.  We still have several boxes to fill, please pick one up on Sunday. 

Single Only Sisters

On Thursday, November 10 at 2:00pm all single ladies are invited to come to “Thanksgiving Praise,” a special program featuring the talents of several ladies from our church.  Sign-ups continue this Sunday.

Men’s Luncheon

Men, we have another opportunity for you!  Next Tuesday, November 15 at 11:30am, all men are invited to Tivoli Gardens for lunch (Dutch treat) and fellowship time.  Sterling Edwards, a Church Planting Catalyst with Send Phoenix, will be our speaker.  Sign-ups continue this Sunday. Tivoli Gardens is located at 12555 W Bell Rd., SCW.

































































































October 27, 2022


Devotional Thought

Joshua 20 - The Refuge

“Then the Lord said to Joshua: ‘Tell the Israelites to designate the cities of refuge, as I instructed you through Moses, so that anyone who kills a person accidentally and unintentionally may flee there and find protection from the avenger of blood” Joshua 20:1-3.

Refuge is defined as “shelter or protection from danger, trouble, etc., a place of shelter, protection or safety.”

With the Israelites settling in their new land, there had to be the “rule of law” to keep things organized and the mission of God kept intact.  From an Old Testament perspective, it was “life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot” Joshua 19:21.

While God is a God of law and order He is also gracious and merciful. Therefore, He commanded that the Israelites were to select cities of refuge which allowed those who accidentally killed someone to go, be safe, and not fall to the “avenger of blood’s” hands until they had a trial of their peers (v. 6; Numbers 35:19). In addition, it was clear that there must be more than one witness. This reference to the cities of refuge is also found in Numbers 35:9-34; Deut.19:1-14. Reading all three passages gives good insight in God’s graceful provision.

Deut. 19:10 states, “Do this so that innocent blood will not be shed in your land, which the Lord your God is giving you as your inheritance, and so that you will not be guilty of bloodshed.” Numbers 35:33 states, “Do not pollute the land where you are. Bloodshed pollutes the land….” 

God did not want the land nor His people to be polluted with innocent blood.  The establishment of cities of refuge became a symbol for biblical writers through the centuries.  The Psalmist wrote, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear…” Ps. 46:1-2a.

David prayed, “Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe. I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings.” Ps. 61:1-4

We are far from innocent as Paul wrote that we were “dead in our trespasses and sins” (Eph. 2:1; Col. 2:13, Rom 3:23).  But God, in His amazing grace and mercy, provided a refuge for each of us even in our guilt.

Jesus said, “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.” John 10:28-29.

Like the innocent Israelites, the Psalmists, and David, we too can have that place of refuge in our times of trials, trouble and danger.  The question really is will we? As with the cities of refuge those who were innocent had to take the initiative. Will you entrust yourself to the One who will give you protection, shelter and safety?

Father, in these difficult and trying days when it seems like the world is falling apart and lives are falling by the wayside help me to trust You. For I acknowledge and cling to You, my only Refuge. Amen.

Pastor Kirby

Sunday’s Sermon

Title: Jesus Christ – All Human and All Divine

Text: Colossians 1:19-20; Hebrews 4:15

Central Focus: We continue our Biblical Worldview series by communicating what we believe about Jesus Christ, His humanity, divinity, His salvation and mission.  This is central to the life of every Christian. Come and let’s explore together.


Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child Boxes will be available for pick up this Sunday and next.  All filled boxes need to be returned by Sunday, November 13. The boxes will be delivered to children in need around the world to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way.  We have 150 boxes to fill.


 Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

Men – it’s time again to sign up for the Men’s Fellowship Breakfast!  We’ll meet on Tuesday, November 1 at 8:00am for a great homecooked breakfast and fellowship time. Don Williams will share his testimony and you guessed it . . .Frank Johnson will have a joke or two to share.  Invite your friends!  Cost is $3.00 per guy.  The last day to sign up is this Sunday.


Partners on Mission

Our next Partners on Mission and Potluck Dinner is next Wednesday, November 2 at 4:00pm.  Roger Miller, Regional Director for Operation Christmas Child, will be our speaker.  Sunday is the last day to sign up for the Potluck Dinner.


Single Only Sisters

On Thursday, November 10 at 2:00pm all single ladies are invited to come to “Thanksgiving Praise,” a special program featuring the talents of several ladies from our church.  Sign-ups continue this Sunday.


Men’s Luncheon

Men, we have another opportunity for you!  On Tuesday, November 15 at 11:30am, all Men are invited to Tivoli Gardens for lunch (Dutch treat) and fellowship time.  Sterling Edwards, a Church Planting Catalyst with Send Phoenix, will be our speaker.  Sign-ups continue this Sunday. Tivoli Gardens is located at 12555 W Bell Rd., SCW.


Thanksgiving/Missions Awareness Banquet

Our Annual Thanksgiving/ Missions Awareness Banquet is Wednesday, November 16 at 5:00pm. We’ll enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving meal catered by Wild Bunch Catering.  Alex Dennis, Lead Pastor at Asante’ Church, will be our speaker for the evening.  Denver from the Mile High Orchestra will provide our entertainment (Denver played the piano at the One Lev concert we had here in August).  This is a great opportunity to invite your friends and neighbors.  Tickets are $15 per person and can be purchased on Sunday or in the church office during the week.

Take Time to Vote on Tuesday, November 8

Unlike so many around the world, we have the privilege to cast a vote during our mid-term elections. This opportunity allows each of us to select candidates and proposals that can make our nation, state and local areas better places to live. It also allows us the ability to have a voice striving to align issues at stake with a biblical worldview.

Christians should take this responsibility to heart. It is important to have a say in decisions which affect us and our religious liberty. Please take time to research all candidates and proposals on the ballot, discover your place to vote on Tuesday, Nov. 8, and pray fervently seeking God’s face for His revelation concerning candidates and proposals.


Benevilla Caregiver Connect

On Friday, November 18 from 9:00am to 1:00pm we are hosting the Benevilla Caregiver Connect Event.  This FREE event is offered to family caregivers.  You’ll receive expert guidance, valuable information and in-person advice to support you on your caregiver journey. Dr. David Shprecher and Debra Witthar from Banner Sun Health Research Institute will present updated research on dementia, Parkinson’s and movement disorders and the resources support available to caregivers.  Register today by calling (623) 584-4999.

Free Concert - Denver and the Mile High Orchestra

On Sunday, November 20 at 4:00pm make plans to be here!!  Denver and the Mile High Orchestra will be in concert.  “Hymns of Hope and Worship” is no ordinary hymns concert.  It’s a high energy, entertaining, worshipful and uplifting experience.  This is a great event to invite your friends and neighbors to. A love offering will be taken at the end of the concert.

Love in Action through “Just One Thing”

The Just 1 Thing item for November is Canned Meats.

Thank You

We would like to thank each of you who called or texted and for all the beautiful cards we received during Bill’s hospital stay.  We love and appreciate each and every one of you.  – Bill and Brenda Freeman

Have a great weekend!


October 20, 2022


Fall Biblical Conference - Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering?

This weekend is our Fall Bible Conference. Dr. Steve Lemke will provide valuable insights to the question “Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering?”  Come be blessed.  All sessions are open to everyone.

The schedule is as follows:

Friday, October 21

5:00pm           BBQ Dinner catered from Dickey’s BBQ

5:30pm           Session One “God, Satan and Suffering”

Saturday, October 22

9:30am           Snacks and Fellowship

10:00am        Sessions Two and Three (with a break in between) 

“Why God Allows Evil and Suffering? – Three Perspectives                    (Bring your Bibles)

12:00pm         Pizza/Salad Luncheon

Sunday, October 23

9:00am           Combined Bible Study in the Sanctuary

Session Four “God’s Will and Suffering”

10:30am         Worship and Dr. Lemke’s Message

 “Why Bad Things Happen to Good People”

If you are unable to attend, all sessions will be livestreamed.  To access the livestream, go to our website (, click on Resources, Click on Special Events.

Proposed 2023 Budget

This Sunday, in each lobby, you will have another opportunity to pick up the Proposed 2023 Budget. A question-and-answer time will immediately follow worship in Room 113 (the room next to the organ).  Members of the Finance and Personnel Teams will be available at this meeting to answer your questions.

We will discuss and vote on the proposed budget at Church Conference on Wednesday, October 26 at 4:00pm. Church Conference packets will also be available for pick up this Sunday.

Healing for Hurting Hearts Support Group

Healing for Hurting Hearts Support Group meets tomorrow, Friday, October 21, at 10:00am at the home of Sharon La Rose. This groups provides a safe, confidential place for women to share and heal in a non-judgmental atmosphere. Call Sharon La Rose at (845) 706-7404 if you have questions.

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child is a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse.  Each year they collect shoeboxes filled with gifts of fun toys, school supplies and hygiene items.  The boxes are delivered to children in need around the world to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way.  FBCSCW has 150 boxes to fill this year!  Here’s how you can help:

This coming Monday, October 24 at 3:00pm, come help fold the boxes at our Annual Box Folding Party.  We’ll meet in the CLC and get all the boxes ready to hand out.  Last year we had enough volunteers that we were done in 30 minutes.  Let’s see if we can break that record this year!

Starting Sunday, October 30 boxes will be available for you to pick-up, take home, fill and return to the church.  Filled boxed need to be returned by Sunday, November 13.

 Movie Matinee

Our next Movie Matinee is Thursday, October 27, please make plans to join us.

This month’s movie, The Mulligan, is a parable of second chances.  Paul McAllister seems to have it all, but his life starts to fall apart.  Guided by the wisdom and advice of an old golf pro, Paul learns about playing a good game both on and off the course.

Lunch is $5.00 per person and will be served at 12:30pm.  Sign-up this Sunday or call the office by 4:00pm Monday, October 24 to reserve your lunch. The movie will begin at 1:00pm.  Invite your friends and neighbors.

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

Men – it’s time again to sign up for the Men’s Fellowship Breakfast!  We’ll meet on Tuesday, November 1 at 8:00am for a great homecooked breakfast and fellowship time. Don Williams will share his testimony and you guessed it . . .Frank Johnson will have a joke or two to share.  Invite your friends!  Cost is $3.00 per guy.

Partners on Mission

Our next Partners on Mission and Potluck Dinner is Wednesday, November 2 at 4:00pm.  Roger Miller, Regional Director for Operation Christmas Child, will be our speaker.  Sign-ups continue in the lobby this Sunday for the Potluck Dinner.

Single Only Sisters

On Thursday, November 10 at 2:00pm all single ladies are invited to come to “Thanksgiving Praise,” a special program featuring the talents of several ladies from our church.  Sign up in the lobby starting this Sunday.

Men’s Luncheon

Men, we have another opportunity for you!  On Tuesday, November 15 at 11:30am, all Men are invited to Tivoli Gardens for lunch (Dutch treat) and fellowship time.  Sterling Edwards, a Church Planting Catalyst with Send Phoenix, will be our speaker.  Sign up in the lobby starting this Sunday.  Tivoli Gardens is located at 12555 W Bell Rd., SCW.

Thanksgiving/Missions Awareness Banquet

Tickets go on sale this Sunday ($15.00 per person) for our Annual Thanksgiving/ Missions Awareness Banquet.  We’ll gather on Wednesday, November 16 at 5:00pm for a traditional Thanksgiving meal catered by Wild Bunch Catering.  Alex Dennis, Lead Pastor at Asante’ Church, will be our speaker for the evening.  Denver from the Mile High Band will provide entertainment (Denver played the piano at the One Lev concert we had here in August).  This is a great opportunity to invite your friends and neighbors.

Love in Action through “Just One Thing”

The Just 1 Thing item for October is Individual Juices.

Eat to Heal by Dr. Garry Cannard


Three-quarters of Americans are overweight or obese. Our health is only getting worse and by 2030, nearly half of all adults in the US will be obese.


Obesity is the number one predictor of type two diabetes. It occurs when your body doesn’t respond properly to insulin.


A recent study In the UK is showing that losing a substantial amount of weight in a relatively short period of time can actually reverse type two diabetes. People with type two now have a choice rather than a life sentence. The trial shows the restoration of the beta cells which produce the insulin in your pancreas. The most widely held belief is that type two can’t be reversed because the beta cells are damaged and are lost forever. The study showed that they are unable to perform because of excess fat in the liver and pancreas. Bottom line, when you take away the fat, the beta cells regenerate and start producing insulin.


Your risk of devastating complications like cardiovascular disease, kidney failure disease, Alzheimer’s, amputations, impotence, depression, and blindness disappear.


The weight loss to send the type two into remission was about 22 pounds. Most of those who achieved remission lost at least 33 pounds.


The study was done by Dr. Roy Taylor MD. He has written a book to help with the diet that starts with a milkshake diet of about 825 calories a day for 12 weeks, followed by a gradual re-introduction of solid foods over another six weeks.


Dr. Taylor’s book is called “LIFE WITHOUT DIABETES.”  The book offers more of his detailed advice on how to reverse type two diabetes with a dietary change.


Have a great weekend!


October 13, 2022


Fall Biblical Conference - Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering?

Next weekend is our Fall Bible Conference (Friday, October 21 through Sunday, October 23).  Come spend the weekend with Dr. Steve Lemke, Vice President for Institutional Assessment, Provost Emeritus and Professor of Philosophy and Ethics from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, and learn valuable insights to the question “Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering?”

Here is the schedule for the weekend:

Friday, October 21

5:00pm           BBQ Dinner catered from Dickey’s BBQ (Sunday is the last day to sign up) 

5:30pm           Session One “God, Satan and Suffering”

Saturday, October 22

9:30am           Snacks and Fellowship

10:00am        Sessions Two and Three (with a break in between) 

“Why God Allows Evil and Suffering? – Three Perspectives                    (Bring your Bibles)

12:00pm         Pizza/Salad Luncheon (Sunday is the last day to sign up )

Sunday, October 23

9:00am           Combined Bible Study in the Sanctuary

Session Four “God’s Will and Suffering”

10:30am         Worship and Dr. Lemke’s Message

 “Why Bad Things Happen to Good People”

To assist us in planning, we are asking everyone to sign up in the lobby by this coming Sunday, October 16.

If you are unable to attend, all sessions will be live-streamed.

Here’s some information on our speaker, Dr. Steve Lemke:

Dr. Steve Lemke received a BA from Louisiana Tech University in 1972, his MDiv in 1976, Master of Arts in Religion and Education in 1978, and a PhD in 1985 all from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

He is the Vice President for Institutional Assessment, Provost Emeritus and Professor of Philosophy and Ethics at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.

Dr. Lemke has many varied research and writing interests, including theological anthropology, Christian apologetics, the doctrine of God, Christianity and the arts, Biblical hermeneutics, world religions, and the Baptist theological heritage.

He is co-editor of and contributor to Biblical Hermeneutics, Whosoever Will ,and The Return of Christ, as well as contributing articles to numerous other books and journals. He has led sessions and presented papers regularly at the Evangelical Theological Society and other professional meetings. He has served as pastor of two churches, interim pastor of 15 churches, and guest preacher in over 200 churches. He has also served in various ministry settings as a church planter, associate pastor, hospital chaplain, youth minister, recreation minister, and summer missionary. He and his wife Carol have one son, Austin.

“Tell Us What You Think” Survey Results

Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill out the survey this past Sunday morning.

There have been a few questions as to why we were asking the congregation for their input on patriotic emphases throughout the year. I would like to draw your attention to the preamble below that was at the top of the survey form.

“As a church we desire to honor our veterans, fallen soldiers, our country, and the independence that these brave men and women have fought and died for.”

It clearly stated that we have the utmost respect and honor for our veterans, fallen soldiers and our beloved country.  It was never a question about IF we were going to show honor and respect.  It was about WHEN was the best time to accomplish those special recognitions and enjoy our patriotic music.

In July of this year, an individual, representing several people, shared with me their conviction that the morning worship service ought to focus on the worship of God alone and asked that the church consider having our patriotic musicals at another time, other than Sunday morning. I appreciated their willingness to share their conviction with me.

Since we are a church of congregational polity, I thought it prudent to present the congregation a survey with the four preferences you saw on Sunday. This would allow us to gain insight and information as to the church body’s preferences and insight.

Ninety-six people completed the survey and after tallying the results, on average, 91.6% preferred Sunday morning.  There were also comments and suggestions that were helpful and will be considered in the future.

Should you have any questions or want additional information, please feel free to call me anytime or schedule a time to stop by the office.

Again, thank you for your feedback and for your continued service to our Lord. 

Pastor Kirby

Proposed 2023 Budget

This coming Sunday, in each lobby, you will have the opportunity to pick up the Proposed 2023 Budget.  Please take time to review it during the week.  Copies will also be available in the church office next week during office hours (8am – 4pm, Mon. – Thurs.).

If you have questions about the proposed budget, please come to the meeting  immediately following worship next Sunday, October 23 in Room 113 (the room next to the organ).  Members of the Finance and Personnel Teams will be available at this meeting to answer your questions.

We will discuss and vote on the proposed budget at the Church Conference Meeting on Wednesday, October 26 at 4:00pm.

Healing for Hurting Hearts Support Group

The next meeting of the Healing for Hurting Hearts Support Group is Friday, October 21 at 10:00am at the home of Sharon La Rose. This groups provides a safe, confidential place to share and heal in a non-judgmental atmosphere. For more information, call Sharon at (845) 706-7404.

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child is a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse.  Each year they collect shoeboxes filled with gifts of fun toys, school supplies and hygiene items.  The boxes are delivered to children in need around the world to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way.  FBCSCW has 150 boxes to fill this year!  Here’s how you can help:

On Monday, October 24 at 3:00pm, come help fold the boxes at our Annual Box Folding Party.  We’ll meet in the CLC and get all the boxes ready to hand out.  Last year we had enough volunteers that we were done in 30 minutes.  Let’s see if we can break that record this year!

Starting Sunday, October 30 boxes will be available for you to pick-up, take home, fill and return to the church.  Filled boxed need to be returned by Sunday, November 13.

 Movie Matinee

Our next Movie Matinee is Thursday, October 27, please make plans to join us.

This month’s movie, The Mulligan, is a parable of second chances.  Paul McAllister seems to have it all, but his life starts to fall apart.  Guided by the wisdom and advice of an old golf pro, Paul learns about playing a good game both on and off the course.

Lunch is $5.00 per person and will be served at 12:30pm.  Sign-ups begin this Sunday.  The movie will begin at 1:00pm.  Invite your friends and neighbors.

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

Men – it’s time again to sign up for the Men’s Fellowship Breakfast!  We’ll meet on Tuesday, November 1 at 8:00am for a great homecooked breakfast and fellowship time. Don Williams will share his testimony and you guessed it . . .Frank Johnson will have a joke or two to share.  Invite your friends!  Cost is $3.00 per guy.

Partners on Mission

Our next Partners on Mission is Wednesday, November 2 at 4:00pm.  Details are being worked out regarding the speaker, but in the meantime, you can start signing up this Sunday for the Potluck Dinner. 

Love in Action through “Just One Thing”

The Just 1 Thing item for October is Individual Juices.

Devotional Thought - The Power of God in Us

“…and his incomparably great power is the dame as the mighty strength…” Eph. 1:19

Mike, a single dad with custody of his children, was a public-school administrator in the community of one of my early pastorates.  Roger was a member of our church and a good friend of Mike's.  Roger became aware that Mike was searching for something and invited him to come to our church.

Before long Mike accepted Christ as his Savior and followed through in believer’s baptism.  After his conversion Mike’s whole perspective on life changed. His desire was to learn more about the things of God and find ways to serve Him.

He became involved in the entire church ministry. He took part in an eight-week course that I had developed through my Doctor of Ministry project called “Leading New Believers into Responsible Church Membership.”

Mike was soon serving as a Sunday School teacher, church treasurer, and chair of our finance committee. When he presented the church budget for the first time before the church it was a 10 percent increase over the previous year and some questions were raised. 

One member asked, “Mike, do you think we can reach this budget?” “I believe God led us in this,” Mike answered, and if He did, He can meet every need we have.” The proposed budget passed overwhelmingly and that next year the gifts exceeded the increased budget.  When we allow God’s power to work in us to accomplish His tasks He will provide.  We must listen to His Spirit, hear what He says and have the faith in His power to do what He promised.

Lord, I ask for Your power in my life and in Your church in Sun City West. Amen.

Pastor Kirby

Sermon Series: What is a Biblical Worldview?

Sunday’s Sermon

Title: The Accuracy of God’s Word

Text: II Tim. 3:15-16; II Peter 1:19-21

Central Focus: What is it about the Bible that has stimulated so much interest for so many years…that it has been the best-seller in history? What is this Book that has been loved devotedly and clung to by millions of believers for centuries? Come this Sunday and discover the uniqueness of this Book.


Have a great weekend!

October 6, 2022


Devotional Thought

Joshua 19 - The Gathering at Shiloh

“These are the territories that Eleazar the priest, Joshua son of Nun and the heads of the tribal clans of Israel assigned by lot at Shiloh in the presence of the Lord at the entrance to the tent of meeting. And so they finished dividing the land.” Joshua 19:51

Family gatherings have always been an important part of our lives.  To have the opportunity to engage with family and friends to share stories, food, fun, laughter and even to console each other and pray. 

The same is true with the family of faith in its local expression. Brothers and sisters in Christ enjoy getting together in various settings to enjoy the fellowship, music, Bible study and so much more.  It is the act of getting together. We are shown that example by the Israelites in the land of Canaan. 

Before the conquest, Joshua and the Israelites stayed at Gilgal and this was their place of gathering and worship.  After the conquest, Shiloh became the place of worship and gathering (Joshua 14:6; 18:1).  There is no indication why Shiloh was chosen. There is some thought given to the fact that it was uninhabited during the Canaanite times and therefore, in the mind of Joshua, it was not contaminated for the worship of Holy God.

In September I spoke of the tent of meeting. It was the place of worship for the Israelites and could be moved place to place when they were traveling.  That tent of meeting was set up in Shiloh and the Israelites gathered there as a family of God.

It was at Shiloh that Joshua cast lots to distribute the inheritance to the seven remaining tribes (Joshua 18:1; 19:51), as we have read in our study. The importance of Shiloh as the center for Israelite worship continued into the time of the Judges (Judges 18:31).

Our theme verse is important.  “…at Shiloh in the presence of the Lord at the entrance to the tent of meeting” speaks volumes about our gatherings and worship…the Lord should always be present.  I encourage you to remember the enjoyment of your family gatherings over the years.  Reflect on the many church gatherings you have been blessed to be a part of during your Christian walk.

I challenge each of us to finish strong as we continue to assemble as the body of Christ to be equipped, to fellowship, to pray, to worship and to reach out.  We are on important business for the King at our Shiloh. Let’s be faithful sharing the hope of Christ.

Father, help our blessed congregation to savor our time with You and with each other as we gather.  Do not let us take this special time for granted but embrace those opportunities for our encouragement and for Your glory. Amen.

Pastor Kirby

Sunday’s Sermon

Title: What is a Biblical Worldview – Part II

Text: John 18:33-38

Central Focus: A Biblical Worldview is a worldview where the decisions and actions taken are derived from the Bible. Join us to discover the six keys to a biblical worldview.

Fall Biblical Conference - Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering?

Mark your calendars and save the dates – Friday, October 21 through Sunday, October 23.  Come spend the weekend with Dr. Steve Lemke, Vice President for Institutional Assessment, Provost Emeritus and Professor of Philosophy and Ethics from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, and learn valuable insights to the question “Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering?”

Here is the schedule for the weekend:

Friday, October 21

5:00pm           BBQ Dinner catered from Dickey’s BBQ (sign up in the lobby on Sunday) 

5:30pm           Session One “God, Satan and Suffering”

Saturday, October 22

9:30am           Snacks and Fellowship

10:00am        Sessions Two and Three (with a break in between) 

“Why God Allows Evil and Suffering? – Three Perspectives                    (Bring your Bibles)

12:00pm         Pizza/Salad Luncheon (Sign up in the lobby on Sunday)

Sunday, October 23

9:00am           Combined Bible Study in the Sanctuary

Session Four “God’s Will and Suffering”

10:30am         Worship and Dr. Lemke’s Message

 “Why Bad Things Happen to Good People”

To assist us in planning, we are asking everyone to sign up in the lobby by Sunday, October 16.

Here’s some information on our speaker, Dr. Steve Lemke:

Dr. Steve Lemke received a BA from Louisiana Tech University in 1972, his MDiv in 1976, Master of Arts in Religion and Education in 1978, and a PhD in 1985 all from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

He is the Vice President for Institutional Assessment, Provost Emeritus and Professor of Philosophy and Ethics at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.

Dr. Lemke has many varied research and writing interests, including theological anthropology, Christian apologetics, the doctrine of God, Christianity and the arts, Biblical hermeneutics, world religions, and the Baptist theological heritage.

He is co-editor of and contributor to Biblical Hermeneutics, Whosoever Will ,and The Return of Christ, as well as contributing articles to numerous other books and journals. He has led sessions and presented papers regularly at the Evangelical Theological Society and other professional meetings. He has served as pastor of two churches, interim pastor of 15 churches, and guest preacher in over 200 churches. He has also served in various ministry settings as a church planter, associate pastor, hospital chaplain, youth minister, recreation minister, and summer missionary. He and his wife Carol have one son, Austin.

State Mission Offering

Thank you for faithfully giving.  We have exceeded our goal of $4,500.  You generously gave $4,725.


Women’s Fellowship Lunch

Women, this coming Monday, October 10 at 12:00pm is our Women’s Fellowship Lunch.  Bring your sack lunch and come enjoy a time of fellowship with each other.  Dessert will be provided. Come and bring a friend.

Single Only Sisters

All single ladies are invited to meet at the church at 2:00pm on Thursday, October 13.  We will carpool to In-N-Out Burger on Bell Road for a late lunch/early dinner and fellowship time.  Please sign up this Sunday if you are planning to join us.


Movie Matinee

Our next Movie Matinee is Thursday, October 27, please make plans to join us.

This month’s movie, The Mulligan, is a parable of second chances.  Paul McAllister seems to have it all, but his life starts to fall apart.  Guided by the wisdom and advice of an old golf pro, Paul learns about playing a good game both on and off the course.

Lunch is $5.00 per person and will be served at 12:30pm.  Sign-ups begin this Sunday.  The movie will begin at 1:00pm.  Invite your friends and neighbors.

“Tell Us What You Think” Survey

As a church we desire to honor our veterans, fallen soldiers, our country, and the independence and freedoms that these brave men and women have fought and died for.

The survey you will find in your bulletin Sunday is an attempt to have our congregation share their thoughts as to the best times to honor our veterans and celebrate the freedom of our nation through music, without taking away from the worship of our Heavenly Father.

Please complete the “Tell Us What You Think Survey” and return it to an Usher as you leave Sunday morning. Thank you for taking time to share your thoughts with us.

Love in Action through “Just One Thing”

The Just 1 Thing item for October is Individual Juices.

Exciting News from the North American Mission Board

The NAMB notified us this week that Southern Baptists set a new missions giving record this year.  This year’s Annie Armstrong Easter Offering reached more than $68.9 million.  Your efforts share hope and nurture hundreds of new church plants, missionary families and more. Thank you for your generous giving.

Have a great weekend!

September 29, 2022


Devotional Thought

“Hope of His Calling”

“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people…” Eph. 1:18

A ten-year-old boy was being questioned for church membership. “What did you do when you realized you were a sinner?” he was asked.  “I just told Jesus how sinful I was, and how sorry I was, and asked Him to forgive me,” the boy answered.

“And do you hope that Jesus heard you and forgave you?” someone asked. “I don’t just hope so; I know He did,” said the boy. His questioner adjusted his glasses as he asked, “How do you know that my son?” The answer was prompt and to the point. “He said He would.”

Biblical hope is the confident expectation that what God has said, He will do; that what He has promised will come to pass. Paul’s prayer for his readers was that they would be spiritually enlightened in their understanding of God, His power, and His purposes for their lives. These believers needed to know that they were called to a great hope, and to realize something of the extent of the blessings, now and in the future, that they had in Christ.

Father, thank You for the blessing of Your power and work in my life and the promised hope that You have called me to as one of Your people.  Help me to listen and respond according to Your desire. Amen.

Pastor Kirby

Sunday’s Sermon – Beginning of a Five-Part Sermon Series

Sermon Series Title: A Biblical Worldview

Sermon Title: What is a Worldview?

Text: John 1:1-14

Central Focus: We are a product of what we think and believe, and as believers we are called to think and act like Jesus Christ. We all have a worldview whether we realize it or not. Moral and ethical decisions people make every day are based on their worldview. What is your worldview? Do you think like Jesus thinks?  Looking forward to finding out answers this Sunday morning.

Lord’s Supper

We will be observing the Lord’s Supper this Sunday, October 2.  Please begin to prepare your hearts and mind for this special time, as we remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us.

Women’s Tea/Salad Luncheon and Bible Study Kick-Off

This Saturday at 11:00am is the Women’s Tea.  If you’ve signed up to come, please remember to bring a salad large enough to share with others. 

Fall Biblical Conference - Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering?

Mark your calendars and save the dates – Friday, October 21 through Sunday, October 23.  Come spend the weekend with Dr. Steve Lemke, Vice President for Institutional Assessment, Provost Emeritus and Professor of Philosophy and Ethics from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, and learn valuable insights to the question “Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering?”

We’ll kick things off Friday night at 5:00pm with a catered BBQ Dinner.  The topic for Session One is “God, Satan and Suffering.”

On Saturday morning, you can enjoy snacks and fellowship at 9:30am and then at 10:00am we’ll start Session Two and Three (there will be a break in between).  The topic for these sessions is “Why God Allows Evil and Suffering? – Three Perspectives.  You’ll want to bring your Bibles.  We’ll conclude the day with a Pizza/Salad Luncheon at 12Noon.

On Sunday morning, we’ll all gather in the Sanctuary for Bible Study.  Dr. Lemke’s topic for Session Four will be “God’s Will and Suffering.”

The weekend will conclude with worship at 10:30am and Dr. Lemke’s message on “Why Bad Things Happen to Good People.”

Starting this Sunday, you can sign up for the BBQ and the Pizza/Salad Luncheon.

State Mission Offering

As we wrap up our emphasis on the Arizona State Mission Offering, we wanted you to know that as of Sunday, September 25 we have collected $3,733 towards our goal of $4,500.  Please continue to pray for these ministries, and if you haven’t given yet there is still time.


Stitches of Love

Our sewing ministry, Stitches of Love, resumes this coming Monday, October 3.  This ministry meets from 9:30-11:30am each Monday through April 2023.  They sew quilts, receiving blankets and burp clothes. If you don’t sew, you can tie quilts or stuff teddy bears.  All items are donated to local charities. If you have questions, please contact Team Leaders, Debbie Roberts or Jane Gonzales.

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

The Men’s Fellowship Breakfast is Tuesday, October 4 at 8:00am.  It’s the best homecooked breakfast in SCW and it’s only $3.00!  Phil McKenna will share his testimony and you’ll enjoy fellowshipping with each other.  If you are planning to come, please sign up before you leave on Sunday or call the church office by 4:00pm today.

Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study begins next Thursday, October 6 at 10:00am.  This Fall’s study is “Jesus – The God Who Knows Your Name” by Max Lucado.  Nancy Jakes will lead this six-week study.  Sign-ups continue this Sunday.  Study books are $10.00 each and can be purchased in the church office or at the Women’s Tea/Salad Luncheon this Saturday.

Do you ever feel like Jesus couldn’t possibly know what you are going through? He’s the God of the universe after all!  Does he really know your daily struggles?  The good news is:  He does.  As you read these pages, may the hero of all history talk to you personally, and may you find in Him the answer to your deepest needs.

Men’s Bible Study

Men’s Bible Study begins next Thursday, October 6 at 10:00am.  This Fall’s study is “The Book of Colossians – Christ is Our Supreme Lord and Sufficient Savior.”  For six weeks, Dr. Kennedy will lead you on an exploration of Apostle Paul’s letter to the church at Colossae.

Paul had not visited this congregation, but false teachers had. They were teaching that Jesus was not God and denying other vital absolute truths.  Paul addressed and instructed the church in these matters to help them be strong in their faith and to fully embrace Christ as Lord and Savior.

Guys, take an hour a week to come to learn, fellowship and apply. For more information just contact Dr. Kennedy or call the church office. Sign-ups continue this Sunday. 


Women’s Fellowship Lunch

Women, on Monday, October 10 at 12:00pm come to the church with your sack lunch and enjoy a time of fellowship with each other.  Dessert will be provided. No sign up needed for this.  Just come and bring a friend.

Single Only Sisters

All single ladies are invited to meet at the church at 2:00pm on Thursday, October 13.  We will carpool to In-N-Out Burger on Bell Road for a late lunch/early dinner and fellowship time.  Sign-ups continue this Sunday.

Weekly Staff Meetings

Due to recent schedule changes, the church staff will have their weekly Staff Meeting on Tuesday afternoon from 1:30 – 3:00pm.  Please plan your visits to the office outside of this time, and if you call while we are meeting, please leave a voicemail message. 

Love in Action through “Just One Thing”

The Just 1 Thing item for October is Individual Juices.

Have a great weekend!


September 22, 2022


Devotional Thought

Joshua 18

Tent of Meeting

Joshua 18:1a “The whole assembly of the Israelites gathered at Shiloh and set up the tent of meeting there.”

This chapter begins the final division of land for inheritance to the remaining tribes. It is a little different chapter because the tribes were to enlist three people each to survey the existing land which was under their control. Joshua, then, would cast lots to see which tribe received what land for their inheritance.  It was a different approach. It shows that there are different ways to do things.

Early in this passage Joshua spoke of the “tent of meeting.”  In fact, verse one states that the “whole assembly…set up the tent of meeting.”

What was the “tent of meeting?”  Simply put it was the name of the place where God would meet with His people. Most of the time it was called the Tabernacle of Moses. Before the tabernacle was constructed, God met with Moses in a temporary tent of meeting. 

Exodus 33:7 and 9 states: “Now Moses used to take a tent and pitch it outside the camp some distance away, calling it the ‘tent of meeting.’ Anyone inquiring of the Lord would go to the tent of meeting outside the camp. . . . As Moses went into the tent, the pillar of cloud would come down and stay at the entrance, while the Lord spoke with Moses.”

After the tabernacle was built, Moses no longer needed his temporary tent, and the term tent of meeting began to be applied to the tabernacle.

God provided specific instructions to build a place of worship (Exodus 25-27). Because the children of Israel were nomadic at this time the “tent of meeting” or tabernacle would be taken down, moved, and set back up as needed during their time in the wilderness.

The tabernacle was also a temporary dwelling place for the Ark of the Covenant and other holy items that God had commanded the Israelites to use in their worship and the times of sacrifice.

In our passage, Joshua used the “tent of meeting” in much the same way.  It was the place the people gathered to meet God and where decisions were made to fulfill God’s desire. In this case, Joshua chided the remaining tribes for waiting to take possession of the land. Then he put a strategic plan in place to help motivate the people and clarify the lands of possession. The Bible is full of strategic plans.

Because of Christ we are the temple of God and His Spirit lives in us.  It is important to remember that every day we should have our “tent of meeting” with God, worship Him and listen to His plan and desires for us each day and in the various seasons of our life.

If we fail to make that connection God will make that known to us like Joshua did to the Israelites.  “How long will you wait before you begin…” (v.3). Let each of us hear from God in our tabernacle and “begin to be faithful to accomplish His task.”

Lord, help me to be faithful in my “tent of meeting” times, listen to Your voice and then begin through action to fulfill the desires of Your heart.  Amen.

Sunday’s Sermon

Title: Soaring

Text: Isaiah 40:28-31

Central Focus: There are times in life when we are tired, weary, and discouraged. Sometimes even God seems distant, and the Bible doesn’t seem to make sense.  This could be symptoms of burnout. The struggles of life, work or problems are just too overwhelming.  We want to check out. But there is good news.  God has a plan to strengthen you so that you can once again Soar.  Come Sunday and find out about God’s plan.

Critical Mass in Concert this Sunday

This Sunday our Back to Church Celebration continues! Critical Mass, a premier vocal ensemble from Grand Canyon University, will present a mini concert during the 10:30am worship service. Critical Mass is known for its professional quality performances of widely diverse repertoire including classical, gospel and jazz.  Invite your friends and neighbors to this special service.

State Mission Offering

The Arizona State Mission Offering emphasis continues throughout the month of September.  This year’s theme is “Next.”  When you give to this offering you help the ministries listed below, and others like them, take the next step in accomplishing the mission God has given them. 

  • Christian Challenge

  • Disaster Relief

  • Hispanic Ministries

  • Planting Churches

  • Revitalizing Churches

  • Student Ministries

  • Investing in Pastors

  • Ministers in Crisis

The State goal is $180,000; our church goal is $4,500.  As of Sunday, September 18 we have received $1,783.00 for this offering. Please be in prayer for these ministries and give as God leads.

Women’s Ministry Tea/Salad Luncheon and Bible Study Kickoff

Women, make plans to come to the Women’s Tea/Salad Luncheon and Bible Study Kickoff on Saturday, October 1 from 11:00am to 1:00pm.  Wear a hat, bring a teacup and saucer, and your favorite salad to share for lunch.  The theme is “Fall Into the Word,” and Mary Kay Wonner, Minister of Worship at Avondale Baptist Church, will speak about the importance of being in God’s Word. Sign-ups continue this Sunday. 

If you have a teapot you’d be willing to let the church use as a centerpiece, please contact Bette Bush, our Women’s Ministry Team Leader.

Stitches of Love

Our sewing ministry, Stitches of Love, resumes on Monday, October 3.  This ministry meets from 9:30-11:30am each Monday through April 2023.  They sew quilts, receiving blankets and burp clothes. If you don’t sew, you can tie quilts or stuff teddy bears.  All items are donated to local charities. If you have questions, please contact Team Leaders, Debbie Roberts or Jane Gonzales.

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

Men, mark your calendars!  The next Men’s Fellowship Breakfast is Tuesday, October 4 at 8:00am.  It’s the best homecooked breakfast in SCW and it’s only $3.00!  Phil McKenna will share his testimony and you’ll enjoy fellowshipping with each other.  Sign-ups continue this Sunday.

Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study begins Thursday, October 6 at 10:00am.  This fall’s study is “Jesus – The God Who Knows Your Name” by Max Lucado.  Nancy Jakes will lead this six-week study.  Sign-ups continue this Sunday.  Study books are $10.00 each and can be purchased in the church office during the week or at the Women’s Tea/Salad Luncheon on Saturday, October 1.

Do you ever feel like Jesus couldn’t possibly know what you are going through? He’s the God of the universe after all!  Does he really know your daily struggles?  The good news is:  He does.  As you read these pages, may the hero of all history talk to you personally, and may you find in Him the answer to your deepest needs.

Men’s Bible Study

Men’s Bible Study begins Thursday, October 6 at 10:00am.  This fall’s study is “The Book of Colossians – Christ is Our Supreme Lord and Sufficient Savior.”  For six weeks, Dr. Kennedy will lead you on an exploration of Apostle Paul’s letter to the church at Colossae.

Paul had not visited that congregation, but false teachers had. They were teaching that Jesus was not God and denying other vital absolute truths.  Paul addressed and instructed the church in these matters to help them be strong in their faith and to fully embrace Christ as Lord and Savior.

Guys, take an hour a week to come to learn, fellowship and apply. For more information just contact Dr. Kennedy or call the church office. Sign-ups continue this Sunday. 

Women’s Fellowship Lunch

Women, on Monday, October 10 at 12:00pm come to the church with your sack lunch and enjoy a time of fellowship with each other.  Dessert will be provided. No sign up needed for this.  Just come and bring a friend.

Single Only Sisters

All single ladies are invited to meet at the church at 2:00pm on Thursday, October 13.  We will carpool to In-N-Out Burger on Bell Road for a late lunch/early dinner and fellowship time.  Sign-ups continue this Sunday.

Weekly Staff Meetings

Due to recent schedule changes, starting in October the church staff will have their weekly Staff Meeting on Tuesday afternoon from 1:30 – 3:00pm.  Please plan your visits to the office outside of this time, and if you call while we are meeting, please leave a voicemail message. 

Memorial Service for Bob Pennington

The Memorial Service for Bob Pennington will be this Friday, September 23 at 2:00pm here at the church, all are invited.  Please pray for Sandy and the family during this difficult time.

Love in Action through “Just One Thing”

The Just 1 Thing item for September is Cereal. All food donations go to St. Mary’s Food Bank.

Health Article by Dr. Garry Cannard


Visceral White Belly Fat


Visceral fat, often referred to as “deep fat“,  is energy storing white fat that wraps around the inner organs. For this reason it’s very hard to remove surgically and is incredibly dangerous. One reason excess visceral fat is so harmful is that it’s blood flow drains into the liver via the portal vein. In other words, all the toxins and fatty acids given off by visceral fat are swept up by the blood and dumped into the liver that has over 500 vital functions.


The liver removes toxins from the body‘s blood supply, maintains healthy blood sugar levels, regulates blood clotting and performs hundreds of vital functions.


Abdominal obesity is a state of chronic visceral inflammation.


The good news is that because of its rich blood flow, visceral fat is very responsive to exercise and far more so than the stubborn subcutaneous fat. While excess fat is never a good thing, subcutaneous fat, particularly around the hips and the thighs is not particularly dangerous until enough of it can cause you to have to spend more for your new clothing!


Have a great weekend!

















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